Diet for gastritis in the stomach

food rules for gastritis in the stomach

Organizing proper nutrition allows the body to function properly.

Diseases and various personal traits bring a person's life discomfort. That is why making your own diet comes. After all, problems like gastritis will not go away after a certain time. And sometimes even the other way around. The general situation worsens with the subsequent dispatch to the hospital.

What is gastritis in the stomach

Now more than half of the entire population on the planet suffers from gastritis in the stomach. Most often, the leak does not cause severe symptoms. However, the chronic form gradually develops into a stomach ulcer or stomach cancer. Of course, the odds are no more than 40%. The disease itself is an inflammation of the mucous membrane. Due to what the stomach ceases to function normally. This means that the incoming food is not digested properly.

The following conclusions will be dangerous misconceptions:

  • gastritis of the stomach is a disease of people over 40 years of age;
  • it develops faster in men / women;
  • it is not enough to reevaluate the diet or take a sedative for treatment;
  • infections along with an internal disposition will also induce an acute form.

Statement of facts is necessary to avoid panic. Parasitic bacteria are killed when exposed to air. But they remain in saliva. Young mothers pass them on easily to babies. If the detected disease is in one of the family members, the examination is better for everyone else.

Principles of diet for gastroenteritis

Gastroenterologists have identified 5 effective tips that ensure selection of products with the right composition of the subsequent diet.

principles of diet for gastritis of the stomach

First of all, you need to determine the cause of gastritis correctly.

They are:

  • due to the appearance of Helicobacter;
  • personal genetic predisposition / inability to digest food normally.

Product Selection Tips:

  1. In the first step, it is enough to drink a course of antibiotics. This treatment is monitored by a doctor. He also prescribes drugs after passing the tests and passing the necessary tests. In the second case, you will have to change your lifestyle completely. This advice is given to everyone at the slightest sign of illness. Quit smoking, alcoholic beverages. This also includes sodas, minerals, ayran and other dairy products with gas. Plus full compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. They even relate to washing hands after being on the toilet. Separate dishes, change your toothbrush in time, use your own razor.
  2. The second piece of advice would be the correct adaptation of the basic principle of the diet to gastritis of the stomach. When the disease stops, the patient can become ill at any time. The whole menu is divided into several parts. That is, a method like this for weightlifters. 5-6 times a day in small portions. The day is divided into a time when the stomach "rests". 3 hours before bedtime, no food should be consumed. This option is considered optimal due to the normalization of the body and the achievement of the desired result.
  3. All food is handled correctly. Meat, fish, liver, kidneys, tongue, lungs should never be eaten in pieces. Only in the form of soft chops, meatballs. No tendons, bones, ligaments or fat layers. By the way, lazy cabbage rolls are ideal. They are cooked by frying until soft and then stewed. Thermal exposure will kill germs, bacteria, other carriers, even remnants of dirt. After all, transportation sometimes does not take place under completely correct conditions.
  4. Food and drink are prepared in consultation with doctors. On a diet with acute gastritis, it is forbidden to eat too hot or cold. Cooking takes place on steam, in the oven during cooking. You can not fry. Any crusts are cut to avoid provoking an acute form. Exclude pickled foods, salted, pickled, canned foods. Porridge is boiled in boiled water or half milk. Butter is prohibited in any form. At the first signs of a worsening, immediately a complete transition to a therapeutic diet No. 1. You will need to drink very constantly. Removal of gases from mineral water is done by simply opening the bottle in a warm room. The ideal option is a compote of dried fruits, fresh berries.
  5. The last piece of advice, but not least, is to eat the first dishes. It is important to keep track of the fat content. All vegetarian recipes are also perfect. Completely remove spices. The dishes are lightly salted, not sweet, with a more liquid state. Maximum chopping is required to ensure efficient digestion.

Dietary Features for Gastric Gastritis

nutritional features of gastritis

To navigate correctly between the symptoms, be aware of the differences in the versions of the disease course. This determines which diet is best suited for gastritis in the stomach. The acute form is characterized by inflammatory processes. Mechanical factors, thermal, chemical, bacterial, affect the lining of the stomach. All this appears as a result of alcohol, hot spices, very hot food with improperly selected drugs.

Stress becomes one of the primary factors. Of course, it is impossible to exclude this 100% percent. However, in case of additional diseases, it will be helpful to communicate with a gastroenterologist about the combination of certain drugs. Patients should notice the first signs of inflammation within 24 hours from the beginning of their course.

Diet for chronic gastritis provides several tolerances. Caution is still present, but without unnecessary fanaticism. To avoid relapse, it is necessary to rule out structural changes in the shell. They appear as unpleasant sensations. The discovery must be a signal of the wrong choice of products. If you start the current state, the atrophic stage will come. After only stomach cancer.

Permitted and prohibited foods for gastritis

A therapeutic diet for any gastritis in the stomach is prepared exclusively under the supervision and approval of doctors. They also approve a ready-made list of permitted and prohibited products, which will vary in the future depending on one stage or another. It is better to start with soups if the fat content does not exceed the minimum limit. That is, only vegetable broth. Each object is further dried or put in a meat grinder.

permitted and prohibited foods for gastritis

Finely shredded vegetables are excluded, even in the absence of symptoms. The grains are boiled until the last step. Also the sick are allowed to wheat bread, protections made from premium flour, untreated buns.

Pies with apples, boiled and minced meat, berry jam, low-fat poultry. Young lamb, fat-free beef tenderloin, chicken, minced pork, turkey. Preparation of cereals or soups allows the presence of cream, mixtures based on eggs with milk, greens in small amounts. Parsley and dill do not irritate the mucous membranes. The rest is only advised by gastroenterologists.

Main courses do not exclude homemade sauces. If they do not contain hot spices, garlic, onions, large amounts of butter. The base should be cream or milk. Fish only in chops, dumplings. Meatballs need to be ground several times. Pike, hake, pollock, cod, blue whiting. Mashed potatoes, courgette, carrots, pumpkin. Buckwheat groats, oatmeal, semolina, rice, wheat, millet. Dairy products without mold, fermentation, in limited quantities. Berries and mushrooms in pureed state, previously heat-treated.

Fluids at least 2 liters a day. No soda, mineral water with gas, strong tea. Low fructose juice. It is recommended to decoction wheat bran, rosehip tincture, amino acid shake. Sweets do not limit the choice much in the presence of gastritis. Honey, sugar, marshmallow, marshmallow, jam, caramel, meringue can be made without any problems. Chocolate, ice cream, nougat, cakes at the doctors' own discretion.

Contraindications in nutrition for gastritis

Contraindications in the diet for gastritis in the stomach will primarily be all hot spices and marinade. You will also need to exclude fats, dumplings, liver in large quantities. A little chopped in a salad will not hurt anyone. But it is strictly forbidden to put on a sandwich with vodka. All fast food is not allowed in absolutely any quantity. Margarine, spreads, coffee are boldly added here. Very sweet fruit, radish, canned food.

what can you eat with gastritis in the stomach

Grape juice for acute gastritis, fatty foods in the form of scrambled eggs, toast. Smoked products are completely excluded. After all, they have a lot of spices. Also avoid grilling.

Pay particular attention to multi-ingredient dishes. This combination is difficult for digestion, which means that there is a high probability of an exacerbation of the disease.

Exclude spinach, green onions, sorrel, turnips from vegetables.

In general, you should avoid various dishes that can seriously worsen your current state of health. Gastroenterologists provide easily detailed information on this topic for free access.

Diet for gastritis in the stomach: menu for a week

It's important to get started right here. Then the body will gradually rebuild to the desired state, and will even ask about certain situations. Let us consider in more detail the menu for a week with gastritis in the stomach.


  1. Breakfast - soft-boiled eggs and oatmeal, you can wash it down with weak tea with milk, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoction.
  2. Second breakfast - means easy preparation for the future digestive process. Mushroom cake or cheesecakes with any drink allowed.
  3. Lunch - divided into dishes. The first is buckwheat or barley soup. The other is pumpkin / mashed potatoes with meat / chicken chops grated in a meat grinder. Drink at your own discretion.
  4. Afternoon snack - a glass of low-fat milk / kefir.
  5. Dinner - low-fat goulash pasta. Everything is stewed or steamed.
  6. Before going to bed - you can use fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, milk.

Tuesday and Wednesday

  1. Breakfast - consists of buckwheat porridge with milk or semolina without lumps. Drink tea.
  2. Second breakfast - sweet oatmeal broth.
  3. Breakfast - spaghetti soup. The other is made of peas, boiled carrots, cocoa with milk. Meat at own discretion, but minced.
  4. Afternoon snack - fermented cottage cheese. Without condensed milk, but you can get some jam.
  5. Dinner - vegetable. Casserole with meatballs. Everything is boiled in a multi-boiler or double boiler. Drink with honey broth.
  6. Before going to bed - jelly, fermented baked milk, kefir, curd.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

  1. Breakfast - consists of oatmeal with eggs. Wash with weak tea with milk.
  2. Second breakfast - oat broth.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup with chicken broth. It is important to exclude a high percentage of fat. On the other mashed potatoes, steamed chops, chopped grains. Drink cocoa with milk or low-fat kefir.
  4. Afternoon meal - cottage cheese only.
  5. Dinner - fish / meatballs. Pea porridge, buckwheat, pasta, vegetable stew, millet. Wash with dried fruit compote.
  6. Before going to bed - fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, milk.


The last day of the week is the time to consolidate the result. It will require an independent collection of the menu, but on the products suggested by gastroenterologists. This advice is offered by some progressive doctors. They allow patients to decide for themselves based on their personal needs and the nuances of their body.